The Beatitudes and Francis of Assisi

What is a Hagios Study?

pronounced: hag-ee-os
Greek: ἅγιος (hagios)   |   Latin: sanctus   |  English: set apart for God (holy, saint)

book cover and mobile app

A series of Bible studies (with companion mobile app) designed for you to study scripture through the eyes of men and women who devoted their lives to living for God.

Since the 4th century, Hagiography (biographies of the lives of holy men and women) was an integral part of daily reading for Christians. The examples of those "set apart" (hagios) that counter-culturally adopted what God called them often inspired more toward Jesus than Holy Scripture - which, for centuries, was often unavailable to the lay Christian.

Today, we see numerous studies around the holy men and women chronicled in the Bible, and rightly so. It's also important we look to study the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ who lived after the 1st century AD for insight on how we take the Word of God to live just as boldly in our own time.


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I'm a Catholic priest and was blessed to lead a group of parishioners through the Hagios study on the Beatitudes and St. Francis of Assisi. We loved it! ... The Hagios Study does a great job of leading participants through a very accessible word study and then makes the application to the life of St. Francis.

The app and extra resources are great and really help bring the study to life. I would recommend it to parishes that are looking for a good and easily accessible Bible study, as well as to individuals who just want to go deeper themselves.

- Fr. Erik Arnold, Pastor of St. John the Evangelist, Severna Park, MD

A powerful & inspiring study on The Beatitudes and how they are reflected in the life of St. Francis. The format: read, reflect, respond & rest, proved to be a great way to prayerfully take in the richness of this scripture. I also really liked the app that accompanied the study and provided beautiful music for meditation. I am changed for the better having done this study and inspired to live in manner that will glorify the Lord!

- Karen M. Clayton

“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written:
‘Be holy, because I am holy (hagios).”

1 Peter 1:15-16


Each Hagios Study will invite men and women to go on a type of “pilgrimage through study.“ Various points of the study will invite the reader to pause, meditate, and place themselves in the Gospels or in the time of the featured person. By connecting to the study in this way, the reader can better understand how they themselves can live as “hagios“ (set apart) in their own life.

The Beatitudes and Francis of Assisi
Respond - Layout _Web


Each Hagios Study deals with real historical faith-filled people who were challenged to live out the scriptures just as we are today. They too were challenged to have faith in what they could not see. In each study, we place ourselves in their shoes to “experience” the way they lived out scripture and why their bold faith was chronicled for generations to read in the vault of Church history.


Each Hagios Study will focus on a specific section of the Gospels (the teachings or life of Christ) that impacted the choices of the historical person chronicled in the study. How did they live out Jesus' words in their life? How did they apply these truths? The study sets to inspire how we can also apply these truths to our lives, within our own time and culture so we may "offer [our] bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God .... [as a] true and proper worship.” (Romans 12:1)
