The Lost Inspiration of Hagiography


What Catholic mom hasn’t retold the stories of saints to their children? Often it’s the stories of saints that excite the hearts of our children as they find the ones they identify with most, look like them, and share their interests. As parents, we are unaware that we are resurfacing an inspirational literary art form…

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HOLY – A Four Letter Word?


It’s quite paradoxical that outside the Church and in our everyday conversations, the word “holy” has become taboo. Before you become too perplexed, let’s explore the other English translation for the Greek word for holy (hagios) – saint. Ah, now do you see it? Yes, today, nobody speaks of others in this manner. Do you…

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Salt on the Altar – What Do We Worship?

During three centuries, the Roman Empire’s persecution of Christians became increasingly inconvenient for Roman authorities. Typically, a Christian charged with “being a Christian” was dismissed with proof of one’s sacrifice to the emperor’s cult. Logistically, the number of Christians who defied this order left politicians grappling for an easy solution. We can almost envision them…

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